Virtual Synod School 2020
Looking for the links for the things you registered for? In your confirmation email you will find the links to evening gatherings and fellowship time in the upper part of your email. The links to the classes for which you registered are at the bottom of the email. No email??? Check your spam folder 🙁
Daily Activities
Outfits/color of the day — share selfies for our slide show!
Snack of the day
Adventure of the day — share pictures for our slide show.
Send pictures of you in your outfit of the day or doing the adventure of the day to by 5:30 each day so they can be added to the show by 6:00.
There is a parents’ section for each day about snacks and other supplies that your younger children might appreciate during the evenings. All downloads can be accessed with one button below.
Become familiar with Zoom
On Sunday, July 26 at 6:30 p.m. CDT, Deb DeMeester will host an Orientation to Zoom (the technology we’ll be using for Virtual Synod School 2020) for those who have not used it or aren’t fully comfortable with it. To participate, click on this link:
Evening Schedule
6:00 Event opens — check out pictures from the day!!
6:30-7:00 We worship — Music by Burns Stanfield, Story shared by Mary Koon, Energizer, Announcements.
Burns Stanfield serves as pastor at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Boston, where he has served since 1991. His gift of music has been a blessing for many throughout his life long engagement with Synod School.
Mary Koon serves as associate pastor at Oak Grove Presbyterian Church in Bloomington. She recently spent a sabbatical studying storytelling.
7:00 Guest speaker for the night
7:20 Optional time of fellowship — bring your snack of the day and chat for 15 minutes with others (special room set up for youth)
7:40 Evening special events. The only night events you need to register for are Monday’s mini-courses. Other evenings you can connect through the main link without special registration.
Outfit of the day:
TIE DYE (of course!)

Snack of the day: ICE CREAM (of course!)

Adventure of the day:
Nature Scavenger Hunt
7:40 Mini-Courses

Outfit of the day:

Snack of the day: COOKIES or BROWNIES

Adventure of the day:
7:40 Talent Show

Outfit of the day: YELLOW and/or BLUE

Snack of the day: POPCORN

Adventure of the day:
7:40 Virtual Dance!

Outfit of the day:

Snack of the day: CARAMEL ROLLS

Adventure of the day:
7:40 Conversation with J. Herbert Nelson, Stated Clerk of the PCUSA, and Elona Street-Stewart, Co-Moderator of the 224th General Assembly and Synod Executive
Morning Classes
- Gospel Justice & Congregational Transformation – Matt Sauer
- Causes & Cures of Poverty – Jim Krapf
- Wahoo! I Get to Preach from the Lectionary (Gospel of Mark) – Sarah Henrich
- BIG ministry in small churches – Paul Snyder
- 1 John – Tim Gerarden
- China… new Cold War enemy? – Bill Davnie
- More Mindfulness – Jane Johnson
Afternoon Classes
- Art of Mindful Leadership – Mark Sundby
- A Theology of Interfaith Engagement – Sarah Trone Garriott
- Spiritual Gardening – David and Dee Waggoner
- The Art of Resurrection – Cathy Kolwey
- White Privilege: Let’s Talk – Rebecca Tollefson (class is full for this week but is being offered again in August. Use same link to register)
- Glimpses of China from Modern Chinese Fiction – Scott Stanfield